Fallen Bride by Tony and Julie I was sitting home alone on a saturday night. My 32 year old husband of only two months was out of town on one of his infrequent business trips. Bored out of my mind from spending the entire week in the house alone, I was quite happy to hear the doorbell ring, hoping it was one of our friends stopping by to say hi. I was very surprised when I opened it and found Tony, our next door neighbor's son standing there with a big box in his arms. Tony is 21, which is close to my own age of 26, easily 6'2" and is a junior at the city college. I have often seen him washing his car, or doing yard work and often fantasized about him, although I am way to shy to ever do anything about it. I quickly let him in, happy to have anyone to talk to! I ran around and picked up some mess in the living room as he set the box down casually. "My frat is having a used clothing drive and I was on my way to the rap up party. I saw your light and thought maybe I would kill a little time till it starts. Do you mind?" he asked. "No! of course not! I was just thinking how bored I was. Robbie is out of town and I have nothing to do here." I answered. "Would you like something to drink?" I pointed to the pepsi on the sideboard near the liquor while I finished picking up. "Thanks! You want some?" he asked as he got himself a tall glass. "That would be great! Sure!" I answered as I ran into the bedroom to put away the laundry basket. "Here you go" he said with a weird kind of smile. "Bottoms up!" He quickly drained his glass in one big gulp so I shrugged my shoulders and tried to do the same. The cold pepsi tasted a little strange but it felt good as I gulped it down. "Here, let me get you another," he offered and took my glass back to the sideboard. I couldn't see him mix it so I did not know he was putting a healthy dose of rum into the glass before he poured in the pepsi. He brought it back and sat near me in a big easy chair. We talked about this and that, his school work and how it was going. All through the conversation, he would make a big production out of taking a drink of his pepsi, saying how cold and refreshing it was. I guess unconsciously I started to drink mine faster too, until suddenly I realized it was empty and he jumped up to get me a refill. As he did, my curiousity was getting to me about the box he had brought in. "What is in the big box Tony?" I asked. "Oh, just some stuff my older sister didn't want anymore. She says she is changing her wardrobe now that she is getting married. Gonna go more conservative. You know, there might be some things in there you would like. Wanna take a look?" I couldn't see his leacherous, knowing grin as he said this. He walked back and handed me my drink which I automatically sipped down. After drinking the first two, I was now used to the weird taste of the pepsi so I didn't notice that this time he had put in a lot more rum than pepsi. I have a low threshhold for liquor and get drunk on one beer. My husband laughs about what a light weight I am. The more pepsi I drank, the drunker I was becoming. Tony was counting on this, unknown to me. Tony sat down again and grabbed the big box, putting it in his lap and opening it so I couldn't see inside. He started laughing and said "I doubt you would try THIS on!" and held up a very tiny, sheer babydoll nightie. I blushed bright red and shook my head slowly no, quickly gulping down some of the pepsi as I stared at the daring blue nightie. "No," I stammered, "I think that would have to wait for my husband to come home!" blushing as my mind began to spin. Looking very disappointed, Tony nodded his head. "I understand. OK, this is more your style then. Maybe you can model this for me, ok?" as he pulled out a very light blue dress. It was very fancy and quite beautiful and I was surprised that his sister would get rid of it. "I have always liked this dress but it is kinda short...I hope you will try it..." he said with a charming smile. "Oh! It is very pretty!" I was admiring the dress. "Sure! I don't mind!" My mind quite fuzzy now from all the rum and I do not realize just how short the dress is. "There are a few accessories to that dress that you have to wear with it." he said as he pulled out several bright blue articles of clothing. "My sister says that these came with the dress and have to go with it." I held up each piece and realized that what he had was a tiny lace and shiny satin bra, panties and a garter belt with sheer bright blue stockings. I blushed because he had given them to me, but quickly put them down as he started in about a pair of shoes he had in the box too, hoping he didn't notice what it was I was holding up. I gulped quickly at the too-strong drink as he pulled out a pair of very, very tall, bright blue spike high heels to match the stockings. "She said she didn't want them..so I brought them too..are they alright?" as he held them out to me. "Oh gosh! Are they a part of the dress to?" I asked naively. "Yes.. it all goes together according to my sister...I think you would look fantastic in these myself..." his charming smile again. "Are you sure I should try these?" my mind so frazzled now from drinking so much. "I think so......I'll tell you if they look ok.....if you'll try them on..." his soft soothing voice somehow making me trust him. "Oh, alright." innocently trusting my young neighbor as I get drunker. "Go into the bedroom to change and I will wait for you!" he said as he handed me a fresh glass of pepsi. He walked back to sit on the couch...a devious smile on his face... I walked into the bedroom unsteadily, not noticing that the door didn't close all the way. Slipping out of my dress and lingerie and stopping to take a gulp of the cool pepsi before starting to get dressed. Tony was looking around quietly catching my shadow thru the partway open door as I moved around in the bedroom getting dressed. I began by putting on the tiny blue satin and lace bra, surprised at how small it is and how low cut. I am feeling so strange as the tiny bra pushes my breasts up and out without covering them at all with the tiny cups. Tony keeps getting up.. walking around...catching a better view of me thru the open door. I keep taking big gulps of the cold pepsi as I get used to the bra and how tight it is. I next put on the tiny blue satin and lace garter belt and begin pulling on the sheer seamed stockings, hooking them to the tiny garter tabs. I am completely unaware of Tony watching me get dressed as I pull on the very tiny panties, my mind messed up from the rum so I miss seeing the wide opening in the bottom of the bikini panties as they pull tight to me, the pretty lace trim highlighting the opening against the white skin of my belly. Tony goes back to the couch and calls out, "Ready yet?" "No! Not yet!", calling out innocently as I slip on the dress. I zip the back and feel it pull tightly to me, the tiny skirt not quite covering the lace tops of my stockings. The top of the dress is strapless and extremely lowcut showing almost all of my cleavage and is scooped so low in back it is almost to my ass. The skirt is really a micro-mini. "Need some help in there?", Tony called out. "No! I am almost ready!" I slip on the pair of blue shoes he gave me, they are super tall six inch spike high heels. I have a little difficulty standing in them. "I am almost done I think. Oh, should I put on some makeup and do my hair to give you the full effect?" I call out, giggling like a little girl, not really expecting him to want that. "Absolutely! Yes! I think you would look great if you did! Would you mind?" he asked sweetly, excited that he didn't have to talk me into doing this too. "Oh! I guess I could." (giggling as I realize what a mistake I made offering. Now I will have to do it.) Almost in a fog I quickly put on some makeup..... a heavy line of deep black eyeliner, a thick heavy coating of black mascara on my eyelashes to make them look longer, deep, dark sultry eyeshadow, red blusher and some shiny bright red lipgloss that matches the bright red nailpolish I have on. My head is so fuzzy I do not realize how much I have put on, or that I have made myself look very cheap. I quickly brush out my shoulder length blonde hair, teasing it out a little too wild. "Ok, are you ready?" I call out. Fallen Bride Part 2 by Tony and Julie "Come on out..." but I do not see the lust-filled expression on his face. I walk out after finishing the last of the strong drink, a little nervous to be modeling. "What do you think?" I ask shyly. "Wow! you really make that dress! "Oh! *blush* thank you!", taking the drink you hand me and feeling so pretty from the compliments. "Wonderful...... looking fine too.....you LOOK so sweet!", he smoothly throws out the comments that make me feel so pretty and so comfortable. "Edible even..", he says with a mischevious grin. *blush* "Tony!", I exclaim in embarrassment but giggle at the double meaning as I gulp the fresh drink. "Turn around.." he said. "Ok", turning innocently to let him inspect the outfit. Feeling so incredibly beautiful as Tony admires me in the dress. " VERY nice..." he smoothly pronounced leering at me as he came back around the front of me. "Oh! It is so nice! Thank you for the new dress", I gushed. "Put your leg up on the table so I can see the shoes ok?", he asked. "Oh, like this?" lifting my leg up and setting my high heel onto the coffee table. "Yea.. like that..." he said, but I didn't notice the sharp lustful smile on his face as my skirt pulled up higher. I was gulping at the drink getting more and more drunk. "Your breasts are beautiful..." Tony had a slightly heavy look to his eyes as he stared at me. "Oh gosh!" *blush* "Tony!" I turned bright red at his comments. "Aren't you going to be late for your party?" I said trying to change the subject. "Naa..it goes on all nite...I'm having more fun here anyway.." His eyes followed my every move as I took my foot down from the table. My short skirt so tight it stayed in the pulled up postion even after I moved my leg, riding high up my thigh. "How do those stockings feel..?" he asked. "Oh! I have never worn stockings before! They are really neat!" naive that the lace tops of the stockings show under the hem of the short skirt. "Come sit next ot me..," he said patting the sofa. "Ok", as I sat down oddly trusting my young neighbor. My mind so very fuzzy now from the rum he was sneaking into my pepsi. Tony placed his hand on my leg.. "You really look great in that outfit..." *blush* "Thank you!", feeling so pretty from all the compliments and unaware I have made myself look so cheap and slutty. "How are those panties..I never did get a good look at them.." he asked, his hand sliding higher up my thigh. "They are a little tight," *blush* "Well, stand up and show me..", he said while pushing me up to stand in front of him. "Just pull up your skirt a little so I can see them, ok? Remember, you promised to model!" he teased. "Oh, ok," not knowing why I am doing this as I stand and slowly pull up my skirt in front of him. "Mind if I see how tight they feel..?" he asked innocently. "I guess it is ok." My mind only on innocent thoughts as I sip more of the drink. Tony reaches out his hand..rubbing against the back of my panties. "Here.. bend over a little.." he said as he pushed me over at my waist while turning me around. "I want to be sure you have enough room in them." I shiver as his hand touches me, his fingers trailing down over the tightly stretched satin of the panties, tracing their way down the lace edges. I blush bright red but am quite helpless to move as he holds his other hand in the small of my back, forcing me to lean over. My legs shaking as he touches me, my mind out of control as I stand there holding my skirt up for my young neighbor to examine the sexy panties he has brought me to put on. "Ok, they fit great! You should wear your panties tighter all the time. They make your butt look so cute!" he grinned devilishly as he saw my face turn red again. Nervously I stood up and pulled my skirt back into place. "I bet you would love the party I was on my way to..yea...I bet you would get along fine there.." he commented, that dastardly grin on his face. "Oh! That sounds like fun!" thinking how bored I was before he came over. My mind fuzzy from the drinks I agree to go to the party when he asks me. "But, you have to promise me two things.....one: you have to wear what you have on now.....and two: you have to stay close to me...you're such a lovely lady..I want you next to me!" "Oh, I promise!" I quickly agree because I am excited about going out to a party. I have never been to college and am unaware of how wild frat parties really are. Tony opened the door..still admiring me, that half smile on his face. I walk out to the car, my hips swaying violently because of the too tall high heels he has made me wear. He walks slowly along behind me admiring the view as the slit in the back of my skirt opens and closes while I walk, exposing my buns in the tight panties and the lace edging surrounding the opening in the bottom of my panties. I slide into his car as he holds the door open, unaware of the devious intentions of my young neighbor. Tony speeds to the party and it seems like no time until we are arriving and getting out. I slide from the car, one leg at a time, my skirt riding high up my thighs almost to my waist as I get out. Tony takes me by the hand as we walk to the party. I can hear the loud music and all the partiers having fun as we enter. It is semi-dark inside and there are people moving everywhere. I take a beer someone hands me and start to drink it, not noticing the guys looking at me.. admiring..think how lucky Tony is! My hips start moving to the driving music playing around us not paying much attention as Tony says hi to his friends. I can't hear over the music anyway. If I could have I would have heard the comments about the slut Tony had brought...and was he gonna fuck her...and was anyone else gonna get a chance. Tony pulled me in front of him.. pulling me up to him..and started dancing... "You move well..." he said softly and I put my arms around his neck tightly to hug him for his nice compliments. I didn't even think about what my husband would think about my being here with our neighbors young arms around my waist holding me to him tightly and dancing me into the party of young college students. "I like to dance," I answered back. "Robbie and I try to go out dancing every weekend." My arms wrapped tightly around his neck as we dance, his hands low on my back gently rubbing up and down. I don't notice that lots of guys are checking me out.. taking long looks at my legs in the bright blue stockings. I am even less aware that Tony's gentle rubbing is for a purpose...to relax me....and also to work my skirt slowly up to my waist in front of all his friends. They could see up to my thighs until a friend of his nods at him.. then he reaches down some..and slides up my skirt until it is almost to my waist where it catches between us and stays up by itself. A dancer or 2 bumps into me and I feel Tony lean down and kiss me deeply, his lips crush into mine as we dance. I am so unaware of what is happening to me and I have to kiss him back. "Care to show us some of your moves?" he whispers to me as he strokes me with his hands, teasing me. "The guys look interested.." His sly smile is no longer hidden, but my mind does not comprehend what he really means. Breathless after that hot kiss, "No I couldn't! I am so dizzy!", holding tightly to his neck, reaching up on my tiptoes. "Ok..I'll just take care of you...", his hands have worked my skirt up completely around my waist now and his hands are playing over the soft satin of my panties. His hands move around the panties again as he dances me around the room.. showing me off as his fingers slide between the lace opening and down lower to tease me. My dress top is sliding down my body as he intentionally rubs with his chest while we dance, the top sliding clear of the tiny bra rubbing against my sensitive nipples. My hands run up his neck.. pressing my lips to his again as my body takes control over my alcohol soaked mind. I do not care anymore as I kiss him hotly. His nimble fingers go to work undoing the zipper on my dress and it slides off and to the floor. He steps back and leaves me standing in front of the crowd in just the tiny slutty lingerie. My hips rocking uncontrollably as the heat builds there.